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How It Works SMS Templates  Knowledgebase Online Support Pricing & Payment Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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Help Topic: Account Settings

What is my BBN Id ?

Your BBN Id is the email address you provided while signing up for BBN SMS or any other BBN service.

How do I modify my account settings?

Sign in to your BBN account (if you have not done that already), navigate to 'My Account' on your account page. Sroll down to 'Personal Settings' section of the page and click the 'Modify Settings' button.
Effect all necessary changes on the Modify Account screen and click the 'Save Changes' button.

Why can't I modify my email address and phone number?

Your Email address is your BBN Id and cannot be changed for any account once registered.
Your phone number should be modifiable but on the 8th of August, 2008 We at BBN concluded on a unique phone number policy to check the activities of exploitative users who singly registered tens to hundreds of accounts on BBN SMS in order to continuously accumulate the 2 free sms we offer during sign up.

How do I change my password?

Sign in to your BBN account (if you have not done that already), navigate to 'My Account' on your account page. Sroll down to 'Personal Settings' section of the page and click the 'Modify Settings' button.
Provide Current password, create and confirm new passwords in relevant fields on the Modify Account screen and click the 'Save Changes' button.

How do I reset my forgotten password?

On the Sign-In Page click on the 'I forgot my password' link. On the Password Reset screen provide your email (BBN Id)
A Password reset link will be mailed to you. Click on the link and reset your password.

How do I earn from referring my friends to BBN SMS?

Hurray! For each new user you successfully refer to BBN SMS you will get five free sms and each time the user you referred makes a purchase not less than 1000 sms units you get 10 sms units added to your account.

To start referring users, sign in to your BBN SMS account, Navigate to 'Invite a Friend' link on Account Menu. Complete the form providing Name and Phone number of each friend you are inviting to BBN SMS.